Bahare Samadi

Research Officier / Trainer

Bahare’s research area is concerned with the application of machine learning in recruitment, HR services, and training to assist the decision-making process. She develops models by using different machine learning algorithms to analyze, interpret and classify different types of texts.

Bahare holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, a master’s, and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on artificial intelligence (AI), human gait biomechanics and pediatric rehabilitation from the Polytechnic Montreal. After her bachelor’s degree, she worked as a civil engineer and project manager in industry, then decided to move into biomedical research to bridge healthcare and technology. She graduated in December 2020 and joined Shriner’s Hospitals for children motion lab as a biomedical scientist. Recognizing the challenges Ph.Ds. face in transitioning from academia to other sectors, she joined Adoc Talent Management in January 2022 to make this journey more efficient for the Ph.D. holders. Now she is a research officer and training consultant at Adoc Talent Management.

 Rehabilitation engineering (Teaching Assistant)
 Measurement and dynamic modeling (Teaching Assistant)
 Research project management
 Career opportunities after doctorate and post-doc
 How to optimize your employability as a young researcher
 Assessing and promoting your skills as a young researcher
 Job opportunities in the healthcare sector
 Moving from academia to industry in neuroscience
 How to build and activate your network as an entrepreneur
 How to apply to the private sector
 Career development
 Managing for success

 Conducting research projects
 Designing training materials according to the participants’ need
 Teaching
 Professional coaching / mentorship

 Statistical analysis, Data analysis, Data science
 Programming (Python, MySQL, Matlab)