Eric Bonetto

Researcher / trainer

I conduct research on the (physical, psychological and social) health of PhD candidates and PhDs. I’m particularly interested in topics like impostor syndrome and emotion regulation, as well as approaches designed to promote the health of PhD candidates and PhDs ( especially identity-based approaches).

I am a PhD in social psychology. I work as a researcher and trainer at Adoc Talent Management. I am also a collaborator at the Centre de Recherche en Psychologie de la Connaissance, du Langage et de l’Emotion (PsyClé, EA 3273, Aix-Marseille University), and a member of the Institut Créativité et Innovations d’Aix-Marseille (InCIAM). I have developed expertise in (social, differential and intercultural) psychology on a wide range of topics, including representations and beliefs, identities, behavior change, emotions, discrimination, radicalization and political violence, threats and emergencies, and cultural differences. My current work focuses on the health of PhD candidates and PhDs, and on creativity in the PhD process.

2021-2022 Aix Marseille Université : 192h – CM & TD

Conception et réalisation d’expérimentations – M2
Méthodologie de la recherche – L1, L2, M2
Actualités de la recherche – M1
Traitement des données quantitatives/qualitatives – L3
Enjeux de l’éducation – L1
Introduction aux sciences de l’éducation – L1
Analyses de pratiques – L3
Méthodes de travail universitaire – L1

2020-2021 Aix Marseille Université : 22h – TD
Psychologie différentielle – L2

2019-2020 Université Clermont Auvergne : 192h – CM & TD

Psychologie interculturelle – L2
Méthode expérimentale – L1
Statistiques – L1
Réussir sa L1 – L1

2016-2019 Aix Marseille Université : 192h – CM & TD

Méthodes d'étude des représentations sociales – M1
Psychologie sociale – L1, L3
Epistémologie et histoire des concepts en psychologie sociale – L2
Méthodologie et statistiques – L1

28 étudiant.e.s encadré.e.s entre 2016 et 2023 – L1-M2

Doctoral Training
Public doctorant (toutes disciplines), en français et en anglais
Conduire son projet doctoral
Découvrir et accéder à la recherche académique
Le recrutement dans la recherche académique
Préparer l’oral des concours académiques de l’ESR

Découvrir et accéder aux métiers de la R&D
La place des docteurs des ED ALL, ELICC, STT et EDGE hors secteur académique

1. Bonetto, E., Pichot, N., Guiller, T., & Arciszewski, T. (in press). The Structure of Creative Revolutions. Creativity. Theories–Research-Applications.
2. Bonetto, E., & Arciszewski, T. (2023). One ‘C’ to Rule Them All: The Psychology of Creativity Needs to Refocus on Behaviors. The Journal of Creative Behavior.
3. Bonetto, E., Carsel, T.S., Adam-Troian, J., Varet, F., Keeran, L.M., Lo Monaco, G., & Piermattéo, A. (2023). Group Membership and Deviance Punishment: Are Deviant Ingroup Members Actually Judged more Negatively than Outgroup Ones? Psychology, 7.
4. Dambrun, M., Bonetto, E., Motak, L., Baker, J. S., Bagheri, R., Saadaoui, F., … & COVISTRESS network. (2023). Perceived discrimination based on the symptoms of covid-19, mental health, and emotional responses–the international online COVISTRESS survey. PLOS ONE, 18(1), e0279180.

5. Bonetto, E., Pavani, J. B., Dezecache, G., Pichot, N., Guiller, T., Simoni, M., … &
Arciszewski, T. (2022). Creativity in Emergency Settings. Creativity Research
Journal, 1-13.
6. Bonetto, E., Pichot, N., Lo Monaco, G., Girandola, F., & Bonnardel, N. (2022). Social
Representations Theory in Creativity Research: Under-exploited Perspectives.
European Psychologist.
7. Adam-Troian, J., Bonetto, E., Varet, F., Arciszewski, T., & Guiller, T. (2022).
Pathogen Threat Increases Electoral Success for Conservative Parties: Results from a
Natural Experiment with COVID-19 in France. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences.
8. Bonetto, E., Pichot, N., & Adam-Troïan, J. (2022). The Role of Cultural Values in
National-Level Innovation: Evidence from 106 Countries. Cross-Cultural Research,
9. Adam-Troian, J., Bonetto, E., & Arciszewski, T. (2022). Using Absolutist Word
Frequency from Online Searches to Measure Population Mental Health Dynamics.
Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-10.

10. Pichot, N., Bonetto, E., Pavani, J. B., Arciszewski, T., Bonnardel, N., & Weisberg, R.
W. (2021). The Construct Validity of Creativity: Empirical Arguments in Favor of
Novelty as the Basis for Creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 1-12.
11. Bonetto, E., Pichot, N., Girandola, F., & Bonnardel, N. (2021). The Normative
Features of Creativity: Creative Individuals are Judged to be Warmer and More
Competent. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 55(3), 649-660.
12. Bonetto, E., Dezecache, G., Nugier, A., Inigo, M., Mathias, J. D., Huet, S., Pellerin,
N., Corman, M., Raufaste, E., Streith, M., Guimond, S., de la Sablonnière, R., &
Dambrun, M. (2021). Basic human values during the COVID-19 outbreak, perceived
threat and their relationships with compliance with movement restrictions and social
distancing. Plos one, 16, e0253430.
13. Bonetto, E., Delouvée, S., Mahfud, Y., & Adam-Troian, J. (2021). National
identification, a social cure for COVID-19? Evidence from 67 countries. International
Journal of Social Psychiatry, 00207640211020036.
14. Bonetto, E., & Arciszewski, T. (2021). The Creativity of Conspiracy Theories. The
Journal of Creative Behavior. 55(4), 916-924.
15. Adam-Troian, J., Bonetto, E., & Arciszewski, T. (2021). ‘We Shall Overcome’: First-
person Plural Pronouns from Search Volume Data Predict Collective Action Across
the United States. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(8), 1476-1485.
16. Weisberg, R.W., Pichot, N., Bonetto, E., Pavani, J.-B., Arciszewski, T., & Bonnardel,
N. (2021). From Explicit to Implicit Theories of Creativity and Back: The Relevance
of Naive Criteria in Defining Creativity. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 55(3), 839-
17. Mercier, M., Vinchon, F., Pichot, N., Bonetto, E., Bonnardel, N., Girandola, F., &
Lubart, T. (2021). COVID-19: A Boon or a Bane for Creativity?. Frontiers in
Psychology, 11, 601150.
18. Bonetto, E., Pichot, N., Pavani, J. B., & Adam-Troïan, J. (2021). The paradox of
creativity. New Ideas in Psychology, 60, 100820.
19. Adam-Troian, J., Bonetto, E., Varet, F., Arciszewski, T., & Dezecache, G. (2021).
Explaining social behavior in response to death-related threats: The conspecific loss
compensation mechanism. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 15, 42–63.
20. Bonetto, E., Pichot, N., Pavani, J. B., & Adam-Troïan, J. (2020). Creative individuals
are social risk-takers: Relationships between creativity, social risk-taking and fear of
negative evaluations. Creativity. Theories–Research-Applications, 7, 309-320.
21. Adam-Troian, J., Çelebi, E., Bonetto, E., Taşdemir, N., & Yurtbakan, T. (2020).
Together we stand? Belonging motive moderates the effect of national ingroup
salience on attitudes towards ethnic minorities. International Journal of Intercultural
Relations, 77, 95-109.
22. Lo Monaco, G., Bonetto, E., Codaccioni, C., Araujo, M. V., & Piermatteo, A. (2020).
Alcohol ‘use’ and ‘abuse’: when culture, social context and identity matter. Current
Opinion in Food Science, 33, 9-13.
23. Adam-Troian, J., Bonetto, E., Araujo, M., Baidada, O., Celebi, E., Dono Martin, M.,
Eadeh, F., Godefroidt, A., Halabi, S., Mahfud, Y., Varet, F., & Yurtbakan, T. (2020).

Positive associations between anomia and intentions to engage in political violence:
Cross-cultural evidence from four countries. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace
Psychology, 26, 217–223.
24. Bonetto, E., Girandola, F., & Lo Monaco, G. (2020). The social value of social
representations: Replication of previous findings and test of novel hypotheses. The
Social Science Journal, 1-14.
25. Bonetto, E., Varet, F., & Troïan, J. (2019). To resist or not to resist? Investigating the
normative features of resistance to persuasion. Journal of Theoretical Social
Psychology, 3, 167-175.
26. Lo Monaco, G., & Bonetto, E. (2019). Social representations and culture in food
studies. Food Research International, 115, 474-479.
27. Bonetto, E., Piermattéo, A., Moliner, P., & Lo Monaco, G. (2019). What does it Mean
to Share? From Actual to Perceived Sharedness in the Structural Approach to Social
Representations. Les Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 117-140.
28. Bonetto, E., & Lo Monaco, G. (2018). The fundamental needs underlying social
representations. New Ideas in Psychology, 51, 40-43.
29. Bonetto, E., Troïan, J., Varet, F., Lo Monaco, G., & Girandola, F. (2018). Priming
Resistance to Persuasion decreases adherence to Conspiracy Theories. Social
Influence, 13, 125-136.
30. Troian, J., Bonetto, E., Varet, F., Barbier, M., & Lo Monaco, G. (2018). The effect of
Social dominance on prejudice towards North-African minorities: Evidence for the
role of social representation of Secularism as a legitimizing myth. International
Journal of Intercultural Relations, 65, 96-104.
31. Bonetto, E., Girandola, F., & Lo Monaco, G. (2018). Social representations and
commitment: A literature review and an agenda for future research. European
Psychologist, 23, 233-249.
1. Bonetto, E., Arciszewski, T., & Delouvée, S. (2023). Before Fighting, Know your
Enemy: What do we Measure With our Scales of Conspiracism?.
2. Bonetto, E., Guiller, T., & Adam-Troian, J. (2023). A Lost Idea in Psychology:
Observation as Starting Point for the Scientific Investigation of Human Behavior.
3. Bonetto, E., Guiller, T., & Pavani, J. (2023). Imposter Syndrome and (Mal)Adaptive
Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies Among PhD Candidates.
4. Bonetto, E., Pavani, J., Guiller, T., Pichot, N., & Arciszewski, T. (2022). Rebel
Without a Cause: An Interpersonal CONflict Seeking (CONS) Scale.
5. Adam-Troian, J., Bonetto, E., & Delouvée, S. (2022). “Skin in the Game”: Social
Goals Implementation Intentions Increase Compliance with COVID-19 Preventive
6. Bonetto, E., Adam-Troian, J., & Arciszewski, T. (2022). Conspiracy Worldviews and
Political Violence: The Mediating Role of Satisfaction With Democracy.

7. Pichot, N., Bonetto, E., Arciszewski, T., Bonnardel, N., & Pavani, J. B. (2021).
Toward a General Factor of Disruptiveness: The Most Novel Creative Objects Tend to
Be the Least Valuable and Feasible Ones.
1. Bonnardel, N., Girandola, F., Bonetto, E., & Lubart, T. (2023). La créativité en
situations : théories et applications [Creativity in situations: theories and
applications]. Dunod.
1. Bonetto, E. (in press). Social Representations and Social Identity: Contributions from
the Structural Approach. In A. Piermattéo & J.L. Tavani (Eds.), The structural
approach to social representations.
2. Adam-Troian, J., Bonetto, E., & Arciszewski, T. (2023). Prévenir et guérir [Prevent
and cure]. In T. Arciszewski (Ed.), Psychologie de l’extrémisme et de la radicalisation
(pp. 179-192). Deboeck.
3. Arciszewski, T. & Bonetto, E. (2023). Les théories Psychologiques du terrorisme
[Psychological theories of terrorism]. In T. Arciszewski (Ed.), Psychologie de
l’extrémisme et de la radicalisation (pp. 129-148). Deboeck.
4. Arciszewski, T., Bonetto, E., (2023). Les menaces : sources et conséquences de
l’extrémisme [Threats: Sources and consequences of extremism]. In T. Arciszewski
(Ed.), Psychologie de l’extrémisme et de la radicalisation (pp. 193-205). Deboeck.
5. Bonetto, E., & Girandola, F. (2023). Vers une (nouvelle) psychologie sociale de la
créativité [Towards a (new) social psychology of creativity]. In N. Bonnardel, F.
Girandola, E. Bonetto, & T. Lubart (2023), La créativité en situations : théories et
applications (pp. 116-131). Dunod.
6. Bourgeois-Bougrine, S., Bonnardel, N., Girandola, F., Bonetto, E., Pichot, N.,
Schauder, S., Tordjman, S., Vinchon, F., Mercier, M., & Lubart, T. (2023). Innovations
individuelles et collectives en situations de crise: cas de l’innovation participative à
l’université pendant la crise de Covid-19 [Individual and collective innovations in
crisis situations: the case of participative innovation at the University during the
Covid-19 crisis]. In N. Bonnardel, F. Girandola, E. Bonetto, & T. Lubart (Eds.), La
créativité en situations : théories et applications (pp. 368-375). Dunod.
7. Lo Monaco, G., Codaccioni, C., & Bonetto, E. (2023). A Structural Approach to
Social Representations of Food and Beverages: Some Methods to Scientifically Study
Lay Thinking. In C. Gomez-Corona & H. Rodrigues (Eds.), Consumer Research
Methods in Food Science (pp. 101-114). Springer Nature.
8. Mercier, M., Vinchon, F., Pichot, N., Bonetto, E., Bonnardel, N., Girandola, F., &
Lubart, T. (2023). Créativité en situation de confinement [Creativity in a lockdown
situation]. In N. Bonnardel, F. Girandola, E. Bonetto, & T. Lubart (Eds.), La créativité
en situations : théories et applications (pp. 360-367). Dunod.
9. Pichot, N., & Bonetto, E. (2023). Creativity on our Plates: Measuring Creativity in
Cooking. In C. Gomez-Corona & H. Rodrigues (Eds.), Consumer Research Methods
in  Food Science (pp. 235-244). Springer Nature.
1. Bran, A., Lopes, N., & Bonetto, E. (2023, August). How is holding a PhD perceived
outside academia? Stereotyping of PhD holders in the French context.

Communication presented to the Congress of the European Association for Research
on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Thessaloniki, Greece.
2. Bonetto, E., Guiller, T., & Adam-Troian, J. (2023, July). Imposter Syndrome and
(Mal)Adaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies Among PhD Candidates.
Communication presented to the 12th congress of the Francophone Association of
Health Psychology (AFPSA), Montpellier, France.
3. Bonetto, E. & Bran, A. (2023, June). Inequalities in the field of PhD: current state and
ways of action. Communication presented to the Adrips thematic days on inequality,
Poitiers, France.
4. Bonnardel, N., Bonetto, E., & Pichot, N. (2021, June). Serendipity and judgments of
creative productions. Communication presented to the 3 rd creativity week. Online
5. Marot, M., Bonetto, E., Arciszewski, T., & Adam-Troian, J. (2021, June). Conspiracy
Mentality, Non-normative Political Engagement and Support for the Government: The
Role of the Perception of Democracy. Communication présentée au 15ème Colloque
Jeunes Chercheurs (CJC), Clermont-Ferrand, France.
6. Agnoli, S., Mastria, S., D’Anselmo, Anita, Reiter-Palmon, R., Karwowski, M.,
Bonnardel, N., Ivcevic-Pringle, Z., Murugavel, V., Girandola, F., Bonetto, E., Lebuda,
I., Zielinska, A., Kaufman, J.C., Lubart, T., & Corazza, G.E. (2020, November).
Creativity as mitigating factor for the psychological distress related to the covid-19
outbreak. Communication presented to the ISSCI Online Symposium.
7. Adam-Troian, J., Arciszewski, T., & Bonetto, E. (2020, October). Using First-Person
Plural Pronouns from Search Volume Data to Predict Political Behavior.
Communication presented to the Workshop On Radicalization And Political
Extremism, online.
8. Varet, F., Bonetto, E., Carsel, T.S., Troian, J., Keeran, L.M., Lo Monaco, G.,
Piermattéo, (2020, July). Are Deviant Ingroup Members Actually Punished more
Severely than Outgroup Ones? A Report of Six Failed Studies. Written Presentation for
the ADRIPS Online Meeting 2020.
9. Troïan, J., Celebi, E., Bonetto, E., Tasdemir, N., & Yurtbakan, T. (postponed).
Together we Stand? Belonging Motive Moderates the Effect of National Ingroup
Salience on Attitudes towards Ethnic Minorities. Communication presented to the 19th
General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Krakow,
10. Celebi, E., Araujo, M., Baidada, O., Bonetto, E., Dono Martin, M., Eadeh, F.,
Godefroidt, A., Halabi, S., Mahfud, Y., Troian, J., Varet, F., & Yurtbakan, T. (2019,
July). Positive Associations between Anomia and Intentions to Engage in Political
Violence: Cross Cultural Evidence from Four Countries. Communication presented to
the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP),
Lisbon, Portugal.
11. Bonetto, E., Girandola, F., & Lo Monaco, G. (2019, juin). La Valeur Sociale des
Représentations Sociales : Réplication de Précédents Résultats et Test de Nouvelles
Hypothèses. Communication présentée au 14ème Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs (CJC),
Montpellier, France.
12. Prost, M., Piermattéo, A., Bonetto, E., & Lo Monaco, G. (2019, juin). Convergence et
divergence représentationnelles en situation de groupe minimal. Communication
présentée au 14ème Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs (CJC), Montpellier, France.
13. Bonetto, E., Varet, F., & Troian, J. (2019, March). The Normative Features of
Resistance to Persuasion. Communication presented to the International Convention
of Psychological Science (ICPS), Paris, France.

14. Troian, J., Bonetto, E., Varet, F., Lo Monaco, G., & Girandola, F. (2018, September).
Priming Resistance to Persuasion decreases adherence to Conspiracy Theories.
Communication presented to the 20th ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference,
Cologne, Germany.
15. Bonetto, E., Piermattéo, A., Girandola, F., & Lo Monaco, G. (2018, juillet).
Représentations sociales et identité sociale : effet de la structure des représentations
sur l’identification au groupe. Communication présentée au 12ème Congrès
International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française (CIPSLF), Louvain-la-
Neuve, Belgique.
16. Prost, M., Bonetto, E., Piermattéo, A., Richardeau, C., & Lo Monaco, G. (2018,
juillet). L’imputation représentationnelle : aspects méthodologiques et implications
théoriques. Communication présentée au 12ème Congrès International de Psychologie
Sociale en Langue Française (CIPSLF), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique.
17. Varet, F., Troian, J., Akinyemi, A., & Bonetto, E. (2018, March). Expectancy-violation
Decreases Adherence to Conspiracist Beliefs: A Meaning Maintenance Perspective.
Communication presented to the SPSP Annual Convention, Atlanta, United States.
18. Bonetto, E., Piermattéo, A., Girandola, F., & Lo Monaco, G. (2018, February).
Evidence of the effect of the structure of social representations on group identification.
Communication presented to the 20th International Conference on Social Cognition
and Social Psychology (ICSCSP), London, Great Britain.
19. Bonetto, E., Pellegrini, I., Castinetti, F., Rochette, C., Reynaud, R., Baccou, C., Gonin,
L., Dos Santos, G., Roubelet, I., Brue, T., & Albarel, F. (2017, octobre). DEFHYEDU:
1 er programme d’éducation thérapeutique (ETP) à destination des patients porteurs de
pathologies hypophysaires. Evaluation à 3ans de la mise en place. Communication
présentée au 34ème colloque de la Société Française d’Endocrinologie, Poitiers,
20. Bonetto, E., Lo Monaco, G., & Girandola, F. (2017, juillet). Représentations sociales
et engagement : Revue de la littérature et perspectives de recherche. Communication
présentée au 10ème Colloque International de Psychologie Sociale Appliquée
(CIPSA), Lille, France.
21. Bonetto, E., Rodrigues, L., Halimi-Falkowicz, S., Souchet, L., Pascual-Espuny, C.,
Bonjour, A., & Girandola, F. (2017, juillet). La communication engageante au service
de l’éducation à la santé en piscine publique : le projet « Nageons propre.
Communication présentée au 10ème Colloque International de Psychologie Sociale
Appliquée (CIPSA), Lille, France.
22. Bonetto, E., Troian, J., Varet, F., Lo Monaco, G., & Girandola, F. (2017, juillet).
Ouverture d’esprit : enjeux normatifs et impact sur l’adhésion aux théories du
complot. Communication présentée au 10ème Colloque International de Psychologie
Sociale Appliquée (CIPSA), Lille, France.
23. Decarsin et al. (2016, September). Social representations of Laïcité and their links
with Social Dominance and expression of prejudice. Communication presented to the
13 th International Conference on Social Representations, Aix-en-Provence, France.
24. Bonetto, E., Blondé, J., Antonelli, B., & Girandola, F. (2016, juin-juillet).
Communication engageante et messages préventifs menaçants. Communication
présentée au 11 ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française
(CIPSLF), Genève, Suisse.
1. Bonetto, E. (2023). Poursuite de carrière des doctorant·e·s. Toulouse Mind and Brain
Institute, Toulouse, France.

2. Bonetto, E. (2023). Séminaire méthodologique. InCIAM, Aix-en-Provence, France.
3. Bonetto, E. (2023). L’identité : enjeux pour la santé au travail. 50ans du master PSTO,
Aix-en-Provence, France.
4. Bonetto, E. (2022). L’analyse de variance. Séminaire pour les doctorant·e·s du
Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale d’Aix-Marseille Université, Aix-en-Provence,
5. Bonetto, E. (2022). Sample size determination in research: Statistical power analysis.
Program Experiment (Aix-Marseille Université), Aix-en-Provence, France.
6. Bonetto, E. (2020). Représentations sociales et culture dans les études sur la
nourriture. Cycle de visioconférences 2020 « Attitudes, Représentations sociales et
culturelles », Online.

The health of researchers

Innovation in research

Identity issues

Quantitative research methods & experimentation

Creative PhD (financement InCIAM), coordinateurs : E. Bonetto & J.B. Pavani. Étude des méthodes visant à encourager les compétences créatives des doctorant.e.s