Jeanne Boisselier

Researcher / Trainer

During my PhD in social and work psychology, I developed an interest in equality and diversity in access to employment and career paths. At the same time, I have become involved in work-related quality of life in doctoral work, through research and training activities. At the LID, I conduct research on doctoral supervision and inclusion, with a social and work psychology approach. This allows me to reconcile several of my favorite themes!

I conduct research on doctoral supervision, more specifically on the impact of the supervision relationship on doctoral work. I’m also interested in the themes of diversity and inclusion in doctoral studies, with a current research project on disability in PhD.

Nantes Université :

– Psychologie sociale (licence 1 ère année ; licence 3 ème année)

– Méthodes qualitatives (licence 2 ème année)

Doctoral training :

– « Conduire son projet doctoral », Adoc Talent Management.

– « Impostor Syndrom, needs and limits during the PhD: better know yourself to anticipate you needs! », association Doctopus.

Boisselier, J., Lemée, C., Flores, P. & Wagner, V. (2022). Vulnérabilité sociale et santé mentale : quand les doctorants sont mis à mal. Nouvelle Revue de Psychosociologie, 33, 167-182.

  • Doctoral supervision
  • Diversity / inclusion
  • Stereotypes / discriminations
  • Employability
  • Professional trajectories